

Professional China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Good Wholesale Vendors China Glass Curtain Wall for Commercial Building Glass Facade Glass Wall Tempered Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size – FIVE STEEL

Professional China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Good Wholesale Vendors China Glass Curtain Wall for Commercial Building Glass Facade Glass Wall Tempered Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size – FIVE STEEL

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Professional China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Barekisi ba Molemo Baholesele China Lebone la Lerethe la Khalase bakeng sa Moaho oa Khoebo oa Khalase e ka tlas'a marang-rang ea Khalase e Halefileng ea Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size – FIVE STEEL Detail:

Setho se seng le se seng ho tsoa ho basebetsi ba rona ba boleng bo holimo ba thekiso ea lihlahisoa ba ananela litlhoko tsa bareki le puisano ea mokhatlo bakeng sa Barekisi ba Molemo ba Morekisi China Glass Curtain Wall for Commercial Building Glass Facade Glass Wall Tempered Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size, Re tiiselitse hore re ka khona. hlahisa litharollo tsa boleng bo holimo ka sekhahla se utloahalang, thuso e ntle ka mor'a thekiso ho litebello. 'Me re tla theha bokhoni bo botle.
Setho se seng le se seng se tsoang ho basebetsi ba rona ba boleng bo holimo ba thekiso ea lihlahisoa ba ananela litlhoko tsa bareki le puisano ea mokhatlo bakeng saaluminium lerako la lesira,Lerako la China Curtain, Ho khomarela molao-motheo oa tsamaiso ea "Ho Laola ka Botšepehi, Ho Hlōla ka Boleng", re leka ka hohle ho fana ka litharollo tse babatsehang le tšebeletso ho bareki ba rona. Re lebeletse ho hatela pele hammoho le bareki ba malapeng le ba machaba.
lintho tse bonahalang: Aluminium Alloy; Khalase; Tšepe

Kopo: Ho Haha Mokhabiso oa Kantle oa Lebota

Mmala: E etselitsoe motho

Litšebeletso tsa Tiisetso ea Boleng: Ho feta Lilemo tse 5

Lerako la Lesira ke Eng?

Lerako la likharetene ke lebota le benyang le fanyehiloeng holim'a letlapa la konkreite le sebelisang liankora. Mabota a likharetene aa itšehetsa 'me a etsa hore bokantle ba moaho bo shebahale joaloka khalase e holimo ho isa tlase. Hangata

e sebelisoang mehahong ea khoebo, marako a likharetene a atisa ho kenngoa ho tloha ka ntle ho mohaho ho sebelisoa li-cranes kapa li-rigs. Ho kenya lerako la lerako ke ts'ebetso e rarahaneng mme e ka ba ho feta

theko e phahameng hofeta litsamaiso tse ling.

lerako la lesira

Products Features & Molemo

1. Ho hanyetsa khatello ea moea deformation
2. Ho lutla ha metsi a pula (ho thiba ha metsi)
3. Ho kenella ha moea (moea o tiileng)
4. Ho fetoha ha sefofane (seismic resistance)
5. Boenjiniere ba mocheso (ho boloka mocheso)
6. Ho koala molumo
7. Tšireletso ea lehalima
8. Thibelo ea mollo
9. Tšireletso ea tikoloho
10. Ho monya molumo
11. E ntle le e khabisitsoeng
12. Ho boloka matla
Theipi ea 1.Protective e sireletsa lihlahisoa ho pota-pota;
2.Sebelisa tšireletso ea sekhutlo ho sireletsa sekhutlo sa lihlahisoa;
3. Boloka lifensetere kapa mamati a tsitsitse ka mokotla oa Wood;
4. Tlama lifensetere kapa mamati ka boloko ba lehong;
Lifilimi tsa 5.PE ho boloka hole le metsi a leoatle;
6. Tlama mokotla o felletseng oa patsi ka likhoele tsa tšepe.
Liphutheloana tsa rona li tla netefatsa hore lifensetere le mamati li fihla sebakeng sa mosebetsi oa projeke maemong a matle.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Professional China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Good Wholesale Vendors China Glass Curtain Wall for Commercial Building Glass Facade Glass Wall Tempered Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size – FIVE STEEL details pictures

Professional China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Good Wholesale Vendors China Glass Curtain Wall for Commercial Building Glass Facade Glass Wall Tempered Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size – FIVE STEEL details pictures

Professional China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Good Wholesale Vendors China Glass Curtain Wall for Commercial Building Glass Facade Glass Wall Tempered Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size – FIVE STEEL details pictures

Professional China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Good Wholesale Vendors China Glass Curtain Wall for Commercial Building Glass Facade Glass Wall Tempered Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass with Big Size – FIVE STEEL details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:
Litšobotsi tsa phala ea tšepe ea China
Pipe ea Tšepe le Tšebeliso ea eona e Mengata

Setsebi sa China Rhs Hollow Section Steel Pipe - Barekisi ba Botle ba Morekisi China Lerethe la Lerethe la Khalase bakeng sa Moaho oa Khoebo ea Khalase e ka tlas'a marulelo a marang-rang a Khalase e Halefileng ea Low-E Spider Curtain Wall Glass e nang le Big Size - FIVE STEEL, Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka thepa lefatšeng ka bophara, joalo ka: , , ,

  • 5 LinaleliKa ho tloha -

    5 LinaleliKa ho tloha -

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